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July 2009

A Talk By An Ex-Vatican Priest on The Beauty of Islam
by Bro Firdaus
There will be a talk by an ex-vatican priest, Bro Idris Tawfiq , on the beauty of Islam this Sunday. Don't miss it!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Darul Arqam Auditorium

32 Onan Road

Phone: 63488344

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The three words story
There was once a little robot who had no idea who he was exactly because he was born as a robot, at the canal made by a crazy farmer who eats frogs that mated with a cow (by the) dead sea and give birth to a cow-looking frog, ugly but adorable but couldn't leap over a toadstool because their legs were wobbly and bowlegged like Crookshanks. So the robot carried frog and kissed it, causing the frog to puke and starts to get a little high.

Then the frog was ever (so) shocked when it saw the robot explode like stars scattered in the sky. Months passed by........

This is a word game whereby we take turns to write 3 words to finally form a complete story. To continue playing this game, visit our forum and play. (you will need to register to our forum to post)



Singapore Xtreme Championship 2009
by Bro Hidayat

A showcase of Singapore’s coastal recreational opportunities to the world, top athletes among the extreme sports fraternity from around the region will be invited to compete in a two-day competition that will be broadcasted via ESPN Star Sports’ television networks. This is the first time that NParks and MCYS are organising such a competition.

The public can also look forward to other non-extreme sports activities, such as an ‘NParks Beach Volleyball Tournament’, which will take place concurrently at the beach area in front of the skate park, and a dance party on Saturday, 29 August 2009.

Those who are interested to take part in the Singapore Xtreme Championship 2009 can email Ryan Lee at
Date : 29 Aug 2009 - 30 Aug 2009
Venue : Xtreme SkatePark @ East Coast


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Fasting in the month of Syaaban
by Bro Saifudin
"Narrated from Usamah bin Zaid r.a. who said: I have not seen yourself fast as I see you fast in the month of Syaaban! Prophet pbuh said: This month is oft forgotten by the people between Rejab and Ramadhan, and it is in this month that our deeds are presented to God of the universe. And I want my deeds to go while I am fasting." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Nasa’l, and said true by ibnu Khuzaimah)

Voluntary fasting in this month of Syaaban is one of the most essential practice. Rasullulah never limited nor recommended that his umat fast in the month of Syaaban. The Prophet himself made this a practice, as told in a hadith narrated by Sayidina Aisyah ra:

That means: “From ‘Aisyah Radiallahu ‘anh, she said: I have never seen Rasullulah s.a.w. complete his fast of one month, but in the month of Ramadhan, and I have never seen him fast more in other months except the month of Syaaban”. (Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

From this hadith, it is clear to us that Rasullulah saw did not fast for a full month except in Ramadhan, and he did not fast as many days as he did in the month of Syaaban.

Let us try to fast in this blessed month of Syaaban.

Editor's Message
We hope to provide valuable information for the malay/muslim students of NYP. This will be the first of our monthly online newsletter.

Do e-mail us at if you want to contribute to the newsletter and spread the word around to other NYP malay/muslim students.

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